Of course they can't know that almost all the information the media and record companies are giving them is crap.
Images built up just to sell their products which have actually nothing to do with the culture and which are totally wrong and actually also contradictory and result in misconceptions about the culture and the dance. That's a pity!
The positivity (creativity) and the uniqueness (universal language) of the culture get more and more overhelmed by consume and business. It's more and more all about products.
We don't wanna be preachers or teachers but we would like to show interested people what we think the culture and the dance is all about to give them a starting point for their own discoveries and experiences. So keep on digging through our website...
Hip Hop?!
Hip Hop is a culture consisting of 4 elements which bases on creativity:
B-Boying stands for the danced,
MCing for the literal,
DJing for the musical and
Writing for the graphical expression.
Hip Hop can't be consumed, it has to be lived (not by buying expensive clothes but by improving his skills in one or more of the elements day by day).
Hip Hop started in the middle of the 70ies in the Bronx in New York City (USA). The basic idea of this culture was that there should be a war with creativity, not with weapons: a battle of different (and better) styles to turn the senseless violence into productive energy.
wow to get more info check this website out! http://www.spartanic.ch/
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